4 Wednesday evenings in Copenhagen

Teacher: Graeme Docherty


Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese manual therapy, it is sometimes called acupuncture with the hands or massage with cloths on. Shiatsu uses the bodies meridian system (channels of vital energy) to strengthen the functions of the internal organs and to unblocks the flow of energy throughout the body-mind awakening a healing process.


Over the 4 evenings you will be introduced to:

  • Working on a mat on the floor, using the correct body weight transference.
  • How to use both hands together when pressing on the receiver’s body. Oneness. (A central technique in Zen Shiatsu).
  • How to give a simple shiatsu routine, working on the front and back of the body.  Consisting of the Stomach, Lung, bladder and Heart meridian.


Price: 1300 kr to be payed by mobile-pay.538681 before the start of the course.

Venue: Center for shiatsu, Havnegade 43 st,th. 1058 Kbh. K

Dates:  4th, 11th, 18th and the 25th of August 2021 from 18.15 -21.15.


For more information and signing up contact Graeme Docherty. graeme@docherty.dk

Tlf. 20464379