What is Shiatsu and how does it work?
Shiatsu has its roots in Traditional Japanese Medicine, an ancient medical model that believes that all body/organ functions are controlled and given life to by a vital energy called (Ki) that flows through the body in channels called meridians.
For different reasons the meridians can become blocked, weak or overactive creating problems in our health and causing illness.
Shiatsu has a holistic view of health and sees body and mind as one. What affects the body affects the mind and vice versa. A physical health condition will have an impact on a person in many different ways, not only physically, and therefore it can be understood and treated in a variety of ways. If you just try to take away the problem with for example a pill or an adjustment without balancing and strengthening the whole body, the issue will reemerge later.
Why get sick when you can prevent it.
Traditionally Shiatsu was given as a treatment to stimulate and strengthen the body and bring it back into its natural harmony so that it was resilient, robust and full of energy and could ward off illness. It is in this field that Shiatsu has proven itself to be most effective.

Body and mind in harmony
Throughout the years, I have had many clients who came with a health problem but after that initial problem had disappeared kept coming for more treatments.
These clients told me that they felt that the shiatsu treatment was doing more than treating their initial problem. They felt that the sessions were strengthening their overall health giving them more energy, reducing their stress levels – helping them feel more positive.